Site icon HarvestHER

06/01/16 – Frederick, Oklahoma

Eberts Harvesting

Leaving a little too much evidence.

When it’s raining in the evening during supper and then you hear it while trying to sleep, plus when you wake up and are trying to enjoy your morning cup of coffee and another shower starts, you plan other activities.

Myron set up a date for this evening (visiting Heagly Harvesting) so my goal was to make ahead a couple dozen breakfast burritos and freeze them for when the sun shines and we are rolling, and while doing that prepare that recipe I just read about from Amanda at BT Harvesting for the crew tonight.

BUT…I got a text inviting us to lunch (just so happens to meet Amanda). I left the grocery store, unloaded and headed to lunch with Myron, Kent, Anders and Amanda. Amanda and I talked about everything from bacon to the weather and are both excited about sharing with ‘HarvestHER’ all of the ups and downs and activities we encounter during the harvest. It’s always great to get out on the rain days.

We visited with JC and Tricia Schemper and seen our customers as well. Once I was back at the camper with only a few hours until our ‘date’, I thought I might be just as well to make the 2 gallons sweet tea, 2 gallons unsweet tea and 2 gallons pink lemonade for jugs and travel cups, plus then decided to clean fridges, do dishes, add in a few loads laundry (like the towels from leaks during the rain) and tell the crew Pizza Hut is open with that wonderful $5 special!

So it turns out that I will have an awesome “connecting” kind of day!!

Replace for faster speeds through upcoming mud holes!

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