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A Visit to the Wheatfield

Kristy Misener – Misener Family Harvesters/Braathen Harvesting

Today is visitor day.

It’s always a highlight when folks come to visit the harvesting. Today’s visitors, especially so:  Katie and her seven kids came for fun!! They range fro 2-17 years old and cannot wait to ride!

First we helped move to the next field. So, that involved hooking up the headers and opening the field while everyone else waited on the road.

Rides come next!! Dan’s driving his combine (#2), Mike in #1 and Emma’s in the grain cart. Leslie moved in with Mike when delivering his noon meal. Clara, Anne and Joseph rode with Dan and Abigail is with Emma. This video is of the ‘changing of the guard’.  (And, inadvertently, a potty break. Sorry!)

Evie and Martha get turns, too!

Lauren waited until last. She was busy feeding and playing with Ambrose (Emma’s little boy).

***Note from Kent Braathen – Braathen Harvesting***

All we can do is give many thanks for such great friends that have come together to help us when we needed it most. Kristy, Dan and Emma have stepped in to help keep things running at somewhat of a normal!

Having run Misener Family Harvesters for many years, it was a perfect fit to have an experienced family operation help run things as usual. Dan has been helping me the past couple of years and knows how my operation is run.

Never in a million years did I ever think anything or anyone would keep me from being on harvest. Well, cancer stepped in and changed things for now. It is keeping me at home, helping to take care of my wife, Sandy, who is undergoing chemo through July for colon cancer.

We’ve all heard the term “Cancer Sucks”, when it affects you, or your family, you realize just how much it does! Anyway, a huge thanks to Misener Family Harvesters!

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