Site icon HarvestHER

01/16/17 Mutual, Oklahoma

Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting

Happy New Year to all the HarvestHER’s out there!

I would assume everyone has returned home from harvest and are trying to settle back into a “normal” home life before we start all over again in just a few short months. I can hardly believe that January is already half over!

This last weekend we were blessed with some moisture; unfortunately, it came in the form of freezing rain! I will take moisture any day but ice is my least favorite kind!

Ice is so destructive. We have tree limbs all over the yard, electric poles down, people without electricity for going on two days now (so glad we have a generator) and ice is just so hard on everything.

School was cancelled today so the boys and I went to feed cows with Dillon and then we came home and started the first of many clean-up days. School is also cancelled tomorrow-still no electricity at the school. So, we will be cleaning up the yard all day tomorrow! One plus with the tree limbs down, we are getting a jump-start on firewood and when the piles dry out we can invite some friends over for a bonfire!

I hope everyone is having a blessed day!

God Bless,

“Wise words bring many benefits, and hard work brings rewards.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:14‬ ‭NLT


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