05/16/17 -O’Brien, Texas

Audra Zimmerman – Zimmerman Harvesting

Small Beginnings 

After over 1,400 miles and 2 1/2 days, we have made the trip from Hicksville, Ohio to Texas.  We arrived last Saturday afternoon and set up camp in Vernon, Texas and spent yesterday looking for work…or what I call, “Harvest Hunting”.  This morning, we got the call for our first job in O’Brien, Texas cutting 30 acres of seed wheat.  

It’s a small job, but we are thankful for every acre.  We are operating on faith in God that He will provide us with work again this year and that it will be better than last year.  This is Harvest Vol. 2 (year 2).  

We are also thankful for our harvest friends. Especially Morgan and Whitney Crabtree of Crabtree Farms & Harvesting who are always there with words of encouragement.   Morgan always seems to know when to give Andy a call. Maybe Morgan just has that gift from God.

I am also so encouraged to start our Online HarvestHER Bible Study this coming Saturday. Several HarvestHER’s have joined in.  I just pray they have patience with me while we work through the “bugs” of the tech world.

Prayers everyone has a safe and prosperous Harvest 2017. 
