Site icon HarvestHER

06/18/16 – Gotebo, Oklahoma

R&K Doyle Harvesting

Once in a while…after dishes and bath time…I get to sneak off to the field.

It is so peaceful and calming, when the sun is just setting and dust is rising. It is so nice to spend “a couple hoppers full” with the man I married. It’s important, I think, when your life is so full to just sit together and chat with a hot go cup full of coffee and the sound of the combine. He is a hard working man this husband of mine.

He is also a hard working Dad. He shows love to his kids by keeping this all together. Ryan shows his love by giving combine rides to the little ones when he could be eating supper, standing by a tied steer for 1/2 an hour, when his paperwork is waiting. He spends the time going over Liam’s 95 with him, when he is full on getting ready for harvest. He fixes frozen water lines to the horse pens for the girls, while his grain truck is warming up for another load.

He may not take our kids on holidays or buy them fancy things, but their Dad gives them an amazing life experience and knowledge that far outweighs the little things.

And best of all, if he is home, he tucks them in and prays with them. Happy Father’s Day to Ryan…amazing dad and husband. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!!!!

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