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08/09/17 South Heart, North Dakota/Peach Pie (video)

My wish flower…

Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc.

I have slept in my own bed for the last two weeks, and literally can’t believe I will be back in the camper again soon, as we will be heading north.

I always say that the week before we leave and the week we get home are the three toughest weeks every year.

I say three because I am lucky enough to get to come home twice, once for wheat and then again after fall.

It doesn’t matter…the dust, spiders and, yes, even a mouse can make their way into my garage and house. Needless to say I spend a considerable amount of time “cleaning” all three homes (two campers and a house).

It is what it is, every year, every season, you just know what needs to be done. However, as I am getting older and things just take a little longer…often, I wake up and while visiting with the crew over coffee and breakfast comment that Cinderella didn’t make it again! I am pretty sure they don’t get it but I have HOPE. I often wonder how I did all of this and run a combine for so many years!!!!!

Greeted me at the mailbox yesterday!

Harvest here at home has been about a six-mile-per-hour kind of event. The number of acres are down, of course, due to the number of baled acres of wheat and disaster drought conditions. So the time it took to harvest what there was, was dramatically cut. We have been lucky enough to receive some rains so the fall crops have perked up but the end result will still be “less than normal”. The pastures and dams are all still in need of much more moisture. From no rain for over two months to the few showers we have received this last week, the weeds like kochia, of course, have simply doubled in size!

The weather has been cool and should remain in the high 70’s all week, seems like almost sweatshirt weather. We have also had, while at home, some inevitable crew changes. They simply add a little more stress to the harvest, but are all part of the game. We are currently looking for a combine operator.

This morning, the menu called for Biscuits and Sausage gravy, while this evening for supper we will have Tater Tot Hotdish, fresh green beans with bacon and onions and, for dessert, I just took the peach pie out of the oven.

One of the things I do is fry sausage and hamburger and freeze for quicker and easy meal prep. Generally, I try to use up in a couple two or three weeks. I also am not ashamed to admit that I buy canned biscuits and boxed pie crusts…when serving a crew not only is bulk better, a few shortcuts simply make the day flow better.

When making biscuits and gravy, I have found that a roux of ¼ cup of flour to about 2 ½ cups milk works best. Simply add a few spices and a dollup of butter and, of course, the fried pork sausage and you’re good to go!

All while the canned Pillsbury Grand Biscuits are baking.

Zach worked for us 10 years ago and came for a visit!

I peeled and sliced the last nine peaches from the box I purchased and let them rest in a bowl with a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice.

I combined ½ cup of flour, 1 cup sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a dash of salt.

I added the flour mixture with the peaches and poured into a pie shell that I brushed with a beaten egg (helps in soggy crust)…..dotted the filling with a few teaspoons of butter and then I put the top crust on, crimped, cut slits and brushed with the rest of the beaten egg. I baked at 450 degrees for 10 minutes and then 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Below is a video just as I took it out of oven. (wash machine going in the background)



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