Site icon HarvestHER

04/23/17 – Colby, Kansas

The harvest season has officially begun! Every spring, Jim and DeAnn Deibert of JKD Harvesting host a giant cookout for all of the local harvesters and their hired hands.

This year, we enjoyed the company of Schiltz Harvesting, Farris Harvesting, Beckley Harvesting and, of course, JKD Harvesting. It is always enjoyable to converse with others who understand the ins and outs of harvest life.

We met new hired men from across the globe: Zimbabwe, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, and England, to name a few. We also became reacquainted with guys who have returned for another season of the great harvest life.

Now that everyone has had a chance to mingle and relax over great food, it’s time to get down to business. We’re finishing the combines, polishing trucks, packing trailer houses, and training for CDLs. Most of our hired men have arrived, and it’s time for my job to begin again as well.

It’s time for tri-weekly grocery store trips, time for buying three pounds of pasta at a time, time for loading up the van with car seats, children, and casseroles. It’s time for harvest to begin.

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