Site icon HarvestHER

05/29/17 – Seymour, Texas

Stephanie Hansen – J&H Harvesting

Happy Memorial Day HarvestHERs!

Hope everyone is having a great harvest so far this year or safe travels for those that are just making the trek south!  We have been in Texas for a little over two weeks now and finally finished with our cutting jobs!  Never seems to fail, we get down here and ready to work, work, work and the weather decides to rain, rain, rain! We ended up sitting for a about a week after the rains until it was dry enough for the farmer to let us cut.  We decided to put our rain days to good use and clean up the lot we park on.  For years, we have talked about hauling in gravel and leveling out our dirt lot.  So, one morning we sent off a couple of truckers to pick up a few loads of gravel and we leveled out and spread three truckloads of gravel with hard-working men and shovels!! I would say the boys earned their keep!

After that, we were able to get back in the fields and slowly start cutting away once again.  The crew has really picked up on running the machines this year.  As most of you also have new crews every year that need training, it is always nice when they catch on fast.  Since the boys stay busy out in the fields, I stay busy at the camper with cleaning and cooking.  However, I have had some extra “entertainment” lately…

Since we hauled in gravel and made our lot look so much nicer, we also have a ground mole that also thinks it looks like a great place to call home!  For the past two days, I have felt just like Bill Murray from “Caddyshack” chasing this thing around!  I have tried to flush him out, bait him, poison him, and catch him.  He has outdone me every time!  I have even sat outside in the evening relaxing waiting for him to make an appearance.  I swear he purposely waits until I run in to grab a cold refreshment to come out and dig ANOTHER hole!  The crew gets a good laugh (at my expense) every night when they come in and see my “war zone”.  I’m afraid he will live to see another day as we will be heading off to Oklahoma in the morning.  Dirty rotten scoundrel!

Until next time, happy trails!

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