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12/10/16 – Hodgeville, Saskatchewan Canada

Dana Petersen – L. Petersen Farms

When I awoke a little extra early on this chilly, Saturday morning, it seemed like the perfect day to make a special treat for my family – homemade multigrain bread!

Is there anyone who doesn’t love the smell of fresh-baked bread? So even though I didn’t go through all the steps that the little red hen did to create her bread, I felt pride in knowing that I truly do understand the whole process that it takes to make a loaf of bread and that it isn’t just an item that is bought off of the shelf at the grocery store! My family sure does love it when the fresh bread comes out of the oven…it tastes so much better than any store-bought loaf!

Winter on the Canadian prairies hit with full force this past week. We attended the Association of Canadian Custom Harvesters Annual Convention last week in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and returned home to snow and a week of low Celsius temperatures. Our windchill did hit -35 degrees Celsius for a couple of days. It was a good week to spend inside!

On the harvest front, our November was spent playing catch up from the disastrous October where we hardly turned a wheel due to poor weather conditions. Even though we didn’t completely finish harvest (with a few acres of lentils and corn left out in the fields), the combines have been parked for the 2016 season!

Wishing all of you a wonderful holiday season and all the best in 2017!

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