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Happy Father’s Day 2017!

“So God made a Harvester” 

Written by Michelle Woerner- Schoenrock – Woerner Farms

On the 9th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need someone to harvest crops” – SO GOD MADE A HARVESTER

God said “I need somebody willing to leave their farm, uproot their family, eat sandwiches for every supper, harvest crops till 2 a.m. and get up and do it all over again.” SO GOD MADE A HARVESTER

“I need someone with a clear head, to diagnose that broke down header, yet gentle enough to sit in a combine 12 hours straight with a rambling two-year-old. Someone to deal with the grouchy farmer, with his best interest at heart. Someone who can handle stress and not yell at the new grain cart driver when he makes a big ‘ole mess. Someone to live in a 40 foot camper with eighteen other people going in and out. Someone to treat his hired hands like family. Someone to say a little prayer when he really wants to shout.” SO GOD MADE A HARVESTER

God said, “I need someone willing to load up combines, headers, service trucks, campers and travel from Texas to Montana. Someone willing to look like a carnival and live like gypsies for six months of the year. Someone who’s a God-fearing man, a second steward of the land and still wants to hold his wife’s hand after a sixteen hour day (in triple digit heat) working on a broken down combine. SO GOD MADE A HARVESTER

“I need someone with a sense of smell like no other. Someone who can tell storms “a coming”, it’s getting tough, that smell of smoke, and knows when to shut down at night or early morning. Someone who can train many young kids to be good hired hands. Someone who can tell harvest stories and make you laugh or shed a tear. Someone who at the end of the harvest…when the combines are cleaned and put to rest…he can sit with his grandson, smile with a twinkle in his eye and say, “When I die, bury me in a wheat field so I will always be near. I will smile and wave when you go by with that big ‘ole John Deere.” SO GOD MADE A HARVESTER

Happy Father’s Day!! May God Bless you all

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