Site icon HarvestHER

07/05/17 Sidney, Nebraska

Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting

This post might be a bit long; it’s been some time since I have written an entry for HarvestHER. I have, however, enjoyed reading all the other ladies’ updates!! Keep them coming girls…I really look forward to them.

Some entries have been funny, some just sharing events of the day, some expressing hard times, some offering an encouraging word but most of all each post is sharing experiences we, as harvest wives, all go through at some point in our business. And for that, I am so grateful to Tracy for starting this. We have been in business 14 years and, honestly, there were times on harvest before HarvestHER that I felt alone. Even though I would talk to family and friends about things we were going through, they never TRULY understood! But being able to read about other ladies’ experiences and advice offered, it has helped give me a sense of peace on harvest which I feel was lacking the last 12 years!

One of our fellow HarvestHERs started a bible study, as well. We do it once a month and it has not only been good for my faith but also given us girls time to really connect and get to know one another. I have never met any of these ladies in person but it has sure been nice getting to build a bond with these amazing women. Thank you, Audra, for following God’s call to reach out to us!!

We have been without work for two weeks (like many harvest crews) which wasn’t the end of the world. Tough, yes, but life does go on, as we had a few minor repairs to tend to and Dillon and Levi (my father-in-law) were able to get all the farming done, which was nice!  With us leaving on harvest, we end up having to hire someone to do it for us.

While on our “break”, the little boys and I were able to enjoy a real summer activity. We joined my sister, Kassi, and my two nieces on a two-day trip to Branson. We went to Silver Dollar City on Saturday and White Water on Sunday. We all had so much fun!!  We returned home on Monday and the boys were gone again on Wednesday to head to Texas to spend a few days with Uncle Casey and Aunt Kortney (Dillon’s youngest brother). They had a blast swimming, fishing, golfing, shooting fire works, and enjoying some great food!  I am so glad we had this time to make some lasting memories with family!!

Dillon got a call from a farmer in Nebraska that we cut for three years ago. His crew wasn’t coming down this year so he thought of us!! GOD IS GOOD!! He has always provided for us. We were all ready to get back in the field. We arrived in Nebraska on July 1st but, unfortunately, the wheat was not quite ready. So, we enjoyed an AMAZING fireworks display in Sidney, an afternoon trip to Cabela’s, and a nice cookout. It is now July 5th and we are finally back in the field. We were all ready to get back to work. We have two trucks but just have one truck driver that runs them both. The wheat is making around 50 bushels per acre so we had to have a person in each truck, which is a good problem to have! So, as Tracy would say, “I am wearing my combine hat today”! This was quite long, so if you have stayed with me till the end, I thank you and I hope you are having a blessed day!

Happy Harvesting!

God Bless,
Kylee DeBock

“My friends, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:2-4‬ ‭GNT

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