Families Are Forever Part 2

Soooooo…this is what happens when you rely on cell service that isn’t really there. I only received part of Nancy’s story. Here’s the complete story. I’m so sorry, Nancy! Thank you for your understanding. It is what it is! 🙂

Families are forever / harvesther. com

Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc.

It is SO HOT and it’s going to remain in the triple digits for what looks like a while.

We are still cutting our own wheat and although it looks like one of the most beautiful stands I have seen in awhile, looks can be deceiving—and not just for us but for many that we have visited with.

Families are forever / harvesther. com

Families are forever / harvesther. com

It simply ran out of water. We were blessed with rains during much of the early growing season and then the moisture stopped and the heat kept coming. There is still green wheat all around – I am not sure how that will turn out.

You will notice how straight up the wheat is hence the 30-50% difference in the total bushels.  What looks like a 70 bushel crop is yielding anywhere from 30-40.  But it ain’t over yet! The quality is good…it is what it is.

Families are forever / harvesther. com
In the field!
Families are forever / harvesther. com
Families are forever / harvesther. com
Mason checking moisture of the grain.

Families are forever / harvesther. com

This is one of the poorest spots of our corn, I wish I had taken a picture when we arrived home because it was a beautiful green! The heat is taking its toll. The silage corn is actually greener but with these next three days in the 100’s, I can only imagine the outcome.

Families are forever / harvesther. com
Our poor corn on the first day of 100 degree heat.

While I was waiting for the combine to get to the end of the field so that I could give him his supper, I got a little nostalgic.

In my pickup, on the rear-view mirror, is a decade rosary which I made for my folks and all my sisters after our brother passed away. It’s yellow because yellow roses remind us of him.

Families are forever / harvesther. com

Duane actually worked for Myron on the harvest one year (this was just prior to Myron and I dating/marrying). I remember him calling home telling Mom he was hungry, lol. 😋 I think that happens yet today on a lot of crews.

This field, that I took these pictures at, is just north of where we grew up. It belonged to my maternal grandparents and was purchased by Myron’s grandfather.

Families are forever / harvesther. com

Today we own it and I am proud that I can say I know where it came from.

❤️So, anyway, long story short, there I was thinking about family and decided to take a picture of a memento I still have today to create a memory for my grandkids to remember.

Families are forever / harvesther.com

Love your family – they are only yours for a little while – until you see them again.

I love you, Duane. I think of you often and miss us—

I will always remember ❤️
Until we see each other again, watch over all of us🙏🏻
Families are Forever!

Nancy Eberts
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