A Spotlight on HarvestHER – “Women Get a Voice in Conventional Agriculture”

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20

I am a firm believer things happen for a reason. Sometimes, though, when facing the heat of a rather large bonfire (trials and tribulations), a positive outcome (or silver lining) is the farthest from your heart, your soul and your mind. Fire hurts, its scary and the common question, “why?” is all that seems to come to mind.

I had this crazy idea of beginning a Facebook page and calling it HarvestHER. I wanted the focus of the page to be on the women who are the backbone of their harvest crew. I wanted to highlight the women who do whatever it takes to be sure their families and crews are cared for during the harvest season. But…I had no idea what it was going to be all about. “Build it and they will come”, that’s what I kept telling myself. And, I believed that if this was from God, He would see it through. He would make it happen.

Fast-forward two years.
There are 46 correspondents (including six from Canada and four from Australia), the Facebook page has nearly 5,000 followers, there are very cute items in the online “store”, a second retreat is in the works, Secret Sistas are encouraging each other and, most of all, a community of women has been realized. A community to bounce ideas and concerns off each other, to interact and to spend “time” together. Sometimes, the “time” spent is actually real time during the harvest months – whenever it works. We know someone’s got our back.

While we were in Jordan, Michael Dax visited us for a few days. He came to write a story about the custom harvesting industry. He wanted to know all about the ups and downs, the good times and the bad ones. He wanted to know what it took to gather our families and crew and hit the road following the ripening wheat north to south. He certainly picked an interesting summer to want to know about this crazy life we lead! To read Michael’s article published online at Civileats.com, click here.

While he was learning about the industry, he was introduced to HarvestHER. He got really excited about the possibility of sharing an article on Yes! Magazine and contacted the magazine’s editor. The next morning, Michael came to the trailer house door and told me the editor thought it sounded like a GREAT idea. It was also the very same day I received this email from Audra Zimmerman:

“I was really touched by the FB post you shared today.  When I was on harvest the past two years, one of the reasons that I quite “literally” survived, was because of the HarvestHER group.  I really believe that God put you in my life during that time, so that I could be here today to write this email to you.  So, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication to the group.

I keep up on all of your posts, and I pray for all of the HarvestHER’s every day that God will continue to give them strength in their very difficult jobs.”

As I read Audra’s note, tears began to flow. THIS was the reason HarvestHER was created! To create a place for like-minded women (who were giving their all for their harvester), to come together and be there to support each other. I called Michael back over to the trailer house and read the email to him – tears still in my eyes – and told him, “This is why HarvestHER was created”!

I received a text from Michael last night – “HarvestHER article is up.” I read it, and once again, tears welled up in my eyes. He got it! He told the story so very well.

“Tracy is very much aware of the national conversation seeking to elevate the voices of women at all levels of society, especially in politics and business, but in a traditionally conservative industry in a conservative part of the country, her focus is aimed less at a national audience and more inward at the harvest community. “By giving so much of yourself all day long, you tend to lose who you are,” Tracy says, referring to the loss of identity that comes with the endless nature of the work. “HarvestHER has the ability to say, ‘Oh, you don’t get your eyebrows plucked either? You’re not the only one who feels that way,’” she says.

“More so than trying to create a movement, it’s a community,” Tracy says. “It takes everything that you continue to forget about yourself, pulls it back, and makes you aware you aren’t the only one.”

Thank you to those of you who believed in my vision and have supported this site with your harvest updates. This article is about YOU, your stories…your legacy.

To read the article in its entirety, click here. 

Thank you, Michael, for putting the custom harvesting industry in the national spotlight…twice! I pray those who read both of your articles have learned a little bit more about what it takes to get food on their table.

“If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Ecclesiastes 4:10
