Thoughts from a Harvester (not a HarvestHER)

For some (or for many), this year has been far from a normal harvest.

It’s been a year that has created thoughts and emotions of disappointment and failure for some. It’s been a year that will happen every once in a while and a year like all others, good or bad, that is NOT in our control. But, as usual, a year that is in God’s hands.

We question why we do this and what is next year going to bring? I think God has us doing this job to touch lives, to brighten someone’s day, to contribute by making an honest living while giving back to Him. If you or I were at home, who would we see? Who would we meet? Who would we briefly visit with to make a lasting impression on or them making a lasting impression on us?

Maybe we’re out here ministering by example – by being good to our help, by doing our best job for our customers, by being that shoulder for our true harvest friends, by visiting with the elderly people at coffee in the morning, by sharing a smile. Who knows?

I guess I’m rambling on or maybe I’m just understanding more about what my true friend has been trying to teach me about having God in my life and how it’s His plan, not ours.

There’s so much I don’t know.
