Just Keep Walking

I honestly believe the pastor was talking directly to me this morning!

I’ve heard those voices he was talking about – just this past week. I had a day where those voices really wanted to pull me down.  I kept hearing the whispers… “What makes you think you can do this?”… “This is getting too hard, just quit”… “You can’t do this”…”What makes you think this is even making a difference?”…”What if no one supports this and the stories quit coming?”.

Yes – very audible and very real! I’ve had a couple of incidents happen with this dream of mine. The dream to share the stories of these strong women – those who are involved with harvest. The dream to provide an outlet for the HarvestHER’s to shine! To shine brightly and tell the world what the heck it’s all about – what we do and the sacrifices made. And today, I was told to just keep walking – keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep pushing through all the muck and the mire that’s trying to bog me down.

I almost gave into those voices. It would be the easiest thing to do considering the situation. It’s hard to think about moving forward when the perspective gets blocked. When I can’t see how it’s supposed to turn out. When it looks like an impossible situation. But impossible is just a reason for someone not to try. I hate the word impossible! God’s not intimidated by impossible and with God ALL things are possible.

This particular bad day taught me one major thing – to look beyond the circumstance with faith. If I walk only by sight, I stop. Why? Because it looks hard. It looks like what I’m trying to make happen just ain’t gonna happen. My perspective was temporarily blocked – I must continue to walk with faith and believe that if God led me to it, He’s gonna lead me through it. He’s the one that will provide the next step. I just have to remain faithful and believe that it will happen. And to remember my progress isn’t always obvious. If I listen to those lies, I may never see the blessing that’s right around the corner.

Why am I even telling you this? Because I believe what we’re doing right now with HarvestHER is going to turn into a beautiful thing. It’s going to be something so good, those lies are being pushed on me with the intent to squish whatever it’s going to turn into. Something so good and so right that even the devil wants it gone. Well, I’m here to say I’m not going to give in (even though it looks a bit difficult right now). I’m not going to quit. I’m going to just keep walking!! Please pray for what we’re doing and for me as I work through this hard time. We need each other more than ever!

“…he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion…” Philippians 1:6


2 thoughts on “Just Keep Walking

  1. LJM Amen. Even those of us who stay at home on our own farm and see the joy brought in when the harvestHERs roll in are benefiting so very much from the online harvestHER community. Thank you for the companionship, community and caring that shines so very brightly via harvestHER.

    1. HarvestHER This literally just made my day! Thank you for taking the time to share this with me!!!

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